Welcome to Hello Kitty's Coloring Pages! Due to popular demand, and requests
from hundred of users with in a mere two weeks time, Hello Kitty is more
than happy to share her coloring pages to everyone.
The coloring pictures, you can save them
onto your harddisk and print them off later, or you can view the pictures
straight away and print them from your browser. If you are not sure how
to save the pictures and print them, please follow the instructions below!
Download/Printing Instructions
- Click on the picture you wish
to view
- Wait until it finishes loading
the picture
- If you wish to save the picture,
right click on the picture with your mouse, and choose "Save
As...". Simple choose a folder where you want your Hello Kitty
Coloring Pictures to be saved.
- Press OK
- If you wish to print it, make
sure that you turn on the printer first and the power is on.
- Go to the menu on top, choose